faculdad de arquitecture, huge wow, really jealouse

MUAC- Museum Unversitario de Arte Contemporano,
really contemporary, my photos sucks here
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Here, in MX, you can see modernism, but the one I finally like,
not cube, box, rectangular and no boring, less is more:D
You call it contemporary only cause it's made out of concrete and glass?
I don't see anything that's CONTEMPORARY. I see only '60s.
Adi, jak Ci tam? Praca w porządku? Wyślij znowu jakiegoś maila, czy coś? Do Michała: ja poproszę o jakąś solówkę, najlepiej w kisielu.
contemporary jest muzeum - smieci,puste sale,szczatki,deformacje, gender..bleeee, a architektura to lata ´60
wole budyn:P
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