Saturday, 2 July 2011

Tingz mus go!

Poludniowe Belize i cale wybrzeze zamieszkane jest nie przez potomkow Majow, ale przez Kreoli i Garufina, i to oni zmienili kraj w najbardziej zrelaksowane i wyluzowane, jakkolwiek to nazwiemy, miejsce jakie do tej pory widzialem. Drodzy Panstwo to nie Ameryka Lacinska to Karaiby, pelna geba.
W Dangriga trudno pojac, co oni mowia, choc mowia po angielsku. Usmiech na twarzy i dziesiaty zolwik z rzedu z nieznajomym wprawia w naprawde dobry nastroj. Nieznajomy z drugiego konca ulicy krzyczy: Czesc, jak siemasz bracie? Ale jak tylko podejdzie to szepcze: Mam skrety... moze chcesz kupic, dobre o tej porze dnia i dobre pozniej :) Nie wiem co w tym miasteczku mnie tak urzeklo, bo urodziwe to ono z pewnoscia nie jest, chyba ta atmosfera, pelnego i absloutnego luzu. Pewny jestem, ze baterie w zegarku na dnie plecka juz sie wyczerpaly. Ach i te rowery, wszyscy na rowerach!
Nastepnego dnia rano mialem plynac na Tabacco Cay ale, lodka nie poplynela, wiec ugrzazle(?) w knajpie kolo portu czekajac na jakiegos kapitana, ktory ma dzis rowniez plynac na wyspe. Kapitan byl, zwal sie Buck, lekko wstawiony zawiozl grupe czworga turystow na wyspe. Tam bylo troje innych turystow, dziesieciu mieszkancow, trzy psy i kot. Koniec.
Pamietam jak w dziecinstwie plynalem na swoja pierwsza wyspe Capri, we Wloszech, moja jeszcze mlodsza siostra, z rozczarowaniem zapytala gdzie sa palmy, zolty piasek i malpa. Tu.
Raj? Prawie.

South Belize and basically the entire costal part of the country is inhabited by Creol and Garifuan people, they have changed this small piece of land in the the most laid-back place I have ever been to. Welcome to the true Carabbean!The topic of this post I found at one of the stands in the town and this is the way they do speak english here, f**** hard to understand. Well, when they speak with you you might, small possibility, undertsand, but when you try to catch their chat it is just impossible, they mix it with Creol or Garifuna...
When you walk down the street you will here at least ten times : How you doin´babe ?! from the lovely, chubby, black girls and ... Whats up maaan? from the guys, but when you reply and they come closer you will almost have a joint in your pocket:) The town has this kind of vibe that makes you smile and you don´t know why...
The next I was to go to Tabbaco Cay, one of the paradise, remote island (as I was told and I was more sceptic of course) of Belize, the boat didn´t arrive and I could enjoy the town for a bit longer chatting with locals. When Capitain Buck arrived, he was a bit tippsy but we had no other solution then to go with him. I do not regret.
This is almost a paradise, on the one side Barrier Reef on the other, a nice sandy beach, almost no one on the island, apart from 6 other tourists, couple of locals, three dogs and one cat; warm turquise water, turtles and manatees swimming around, you don´t even have to walk for sunset and for sunrise ...
Just go!

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